12 Days of Christmas (Images) – Day 4

Wow!  Day 4 already.  Today we are celebrating the tireless worker bees – the people that work behind the scenes to make things happen.  The ones that do all the work and often don’t get the credit (I’m sure many of us can relate) – today is all about the elves.  These guys were too cute.

Leave a comment and let us know how you think we’re doing with our 12 Days series thus far, we’d love some feedback.

Strobist Experiments

Inspired by San Francisco Photographer Dustin Diaz (www.flickr.com/photos/polvero) we hooked up with local photographer Eddie Griffiths on Saturday for a night of experimental strobism.  It was freezing cold and slightly damp, but very rewarding as the images above show.  Layton also got to try another homage to Dustin, his first miniature shoot.  Radioactive Homer worked so well he’s itching to shoot another one…watch this space!