Making the Most of Stolen Moments

Life can get hectic at times.  With so much going on it can feel like there’s no light in a never ending tunnel.  It’s easy to get lost in day to day living and loose sight of what’s really important.  It’s also easy to forget that every day we’re alive, is a day we can be thankful for.

We’ve both been going a little stir crazy and our lives have been so frantic and unforgiving that when a last minute change of plans meant we had a few spare hours the next day, Layton suggested we make use of the time and selfishly take some time out for ourselves.

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Alice in Wonderland Inspired Shoot – Part I

After a few months of planning, gathering the costume and props and following a couple of false starts, we finally managed to get our Alice Shoot off the ground.  This was the first in our series of themed shoots, which we’ve been bursting to share with everyone, but due to an argument with technology this has taken a bit longer than we anticipated.

Now finally here they are!  Thanks to all those that have been patiently waiting for this post.

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