365 Photo Challenge – Week 19 Extras

Whilst in Dunedin, Layton took the opportunity to do a wee morning walkabout.  The full set of these photos is still to come, in the meantime here is the one he chose as an extra for his 365 Photo Challenge.

365 Challenge Day 127-Extras

For those interested in the settings he used:

He didn’t have his tripod for this shot so pushed the ISO to 3200, the shot was taken at 1/60th second at f2.8.

365 Photo Challenge – Week 18 Extras

The bonus image for Week 18 was another Aurora Australis.  As mentioned in Week 18’s post, Week 18 was largely about Layton’s Favourite Things.  This image shows one of his favourite things to photograph.365 Challenge Day 120-Extra

For anyone that’s interested, here are the settings used for this image:

Nikon D800
Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 ED
ISO 800
15 second

365 Photo Challenge – Week 17 Extras

The long weekend break over Easter allowed Layton a bit of time to get out on a couple of walkabouts.  These pictures were a couple of his favourites from these outings and were included in his 365 Challenge as Extras this week.

Both have been taken early morning in Invercargill.

3 Degrees Centigrade with the Milky Way

It’s been a while since our last post.  We’ve had a major project on the go (all to be revealed in the coming months).  We’ve got a few walkabouts to catch up on and of course a few week’s of Mini Men roundups, but we thought we’d start with this wee gem from this morning.

Milky Way over the Estuary

It’s currently the start of Winter here and as the title suggests it was very cold out this morning – but what better weather for a clear sky and a very visible Milky Way.

There is quite a bit of geometric distortion in the image, which has been left in so the Milky Way doesn’t get cropped out.  Does this count as a reason for purchasing a wide angle lens? 🙂