Experimenting with Miniatures (again)

During our 12 Days of Christmas (Images) series recently I expressed my wish to experience a White Christmas.  Apparently Santa was listening, but in his old age he got a little confused and the best he could do was rain.

Herein lies our conundrum – what to do when all the shops are shut (or even worse when the Boxing Day sales start and the shops are so overrun you would be mad to even consider going into town) and it’s raining without let up?

Revert back to your childhood and break out the miniatures of course!  Here are a few shots from the past week or so.  Some are almost SOC while others have had a little tickle in Photoshop – hopefully you won’t be able to tell the difference in most of these.

And of course our little army of Nikon men discovered the F5:

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