New Year Changes and Introductions

Currently our business is largely represented via two Facebook pages: Findlater Photography (for client and commercial work) and Layton Findlater Photography (for Layton’s artistic work).

Whilst reevaluating our business recently we discovered that having two separate facets to our business was causing confusion and missed opportunities and although this approach does work for some businesses, it isn’t working for us.

Therefore, in the spirit of the New Year and in creating a more cohesive business we’ve made a couple of decisions:

  • Make the move from being considered “Facebook Photographers” and establish ourselves as a serious photography business
  • Merge the two facets of our business to present a unified identity

In order to achieve both these goals we’ve decided the best way to present our business to clients, potential clients, fans and casual observers is by combining both Facebook pages here via our blog.  Of course we still realise the importance of having a presence on Facebook and will continue to run our Facebook pages as they currently stand (for the time being at least).  However, we will largely use those pages to share posts from here rather than posting them natively on Facebook.

For those that have been following our blog you may have noticed we’ve had a slight facelift for the new year.  Hopefully this offers a cleaner and easier to follow format, but we also wanted to introduce a feature image to our posts as we felt the old layout was very text heavy and we needed to balance that out a bit.

We’re also currently in the process of rejuvenating our website.  During this process we’ve started revisiting the packages we offer clients and the type of client shoots we want to offer.  We’ve posted quite a few examples in the past few months of the sort of photo shoots we want to offer clients going forward (such as the Indian Bridal Shoot, the 1920’s Film Noir Shoot, or the first Strobist Experiments Shoot).  In addition we’re also going to be offering Layton’s artistic prints for sale officially once the website is relaunched.  We gave you a taste of Layton’s artistic work a few days ago on our 2013 Retrospective post.

As mentioned in that retrospective post Layton has also started a 365 Day Photo Challenge this year.  The photos from this challenge are shared with a group of others also involved in the challenge.  We thought the best way to share them here was to introduce a weekly 365 Challenge post.  This will show a feature image from the week with the remaining images at the bottom of the post and will start tomorrow.  He’s also going to try to incorporate The Daily Post’s Weekly Challenge in one of his photos from the week, which will be posted as a separate post as well.

We also wanted to introduce you to our random posts of Layton’s artistic work.  The frequency of these posts will vary, but they will all be in the artistic category and tagged Layton’s Walkabouts.  The first of these will be posted later today.

So there you have it.  A not so brief update on where we’re at and the changes we’re currently going through.  What changes are you making for the New Year?  Have you made the move from being a “Facebook business” to a more established business?  Do you have any experiences you want to share?  Tips?  Or advice?

Leave us a comment below, we’d love to hear from you and appreciate any constructive criticism or feedback.

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  1. Pingback: Layton’s First Walkabout | Findlater Photography

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